Finally a chance to B.R.E.A.T.H.E.
This summer has been so full. So many lasting friendships and memories made. Being at camp on staff this year was amazing. The days were busy in the kitchen, out on the ropes course, down by the waterfront, doing laundry, cleaning...etc. But so good. God was definitely at work. It was cool to see how God used our brokeness for His glory. I got the opportunity to pray with some of the campers and share with them what God has done in my life. What I love about camp is that it is a place of FREEDOM. People love you for who you are and think of you as part of their family. Everyone learns how to appreciate each other's differences and love deeply. I met some pretty awesome people up there, people that will always be near to my heart.

After being in my cousin's wedding and going up North to camp for 4 1/2 wks, came back to get my best friend married. I can't believe that she is married already. So crazy! I feel like it was just the other day when we were back in middle school together. It was good to spend a lot of time together before the big day, including the bachelorette party, which was fun going downtown for dessert and photo scavenger hunt. I am so happy for her. She is so beautiful in so many ways. I am so blessed to be a part of her life and so thankful for Steve too. They are going to be a cute married couple. :)

After the wedding, Camp Higher Ground started up that week. I was an adult leader for the Jumpin' Jamaican cabin. Despite being flooded out by rain, and having to sleep on a ping pong table for the first two nights, it was a great week. lol We learned to have JOY in all situations and by the end of the week it was beautiful. I loved the staff and laughed a lot, mainly at kyle vela and kevin kerkstra. I think my stomach hurt at almost every meal because of how much i laughed. I loved the girls in my cabin and my counselors did an awesome job. It was cool to see the campers get psyched about worshipping Jesus at club. It was awesome to see them jumping up and down and raising their hands and just loving being in the presence of God. Why can't we have that kind of passion every time we worship? Also, can't forget the night of burning insence, skit planning failure, and running to the bathroom in the middle of the night with JJ and getting soaked. Such a good week.
Now that I'm back it feels weird having time to actually do stuff that I want to do. I have time to b.r.e.a.t.h.e., r.e.f.l.e.c.t., and d.e.b.r.i.e.f. on everything that has happened so far this summer. I just don't want to forget how great this summer has been so far. God has taught me so much and keeps teaching me.
I am looking forward to moving into 45o Emerald at the end of this month with these lovely ladies.

I'm excited to start a fresh new season of life with these amazing girls in a house together.
I have loved living in community this summer and can't wait for more of it. I can't wait to live in
the heart of downtown. I am really praying that God would use our house as a place of refuge and
ministry to the city of Grand Rapids so we'll see what He does.
Although, this next year is still pretty cloudy with what I am doing, I am excited to see what else God has planned. I foresee great things ahead, because of how faithful he has been. I've never been so unsure about the future, but it also makes me cling more to Jesus. He is leading me down a path, giving me only light for the few steps in front of me before he gives me more light. I'm trusting this path towards ywam and missional living that he has been calling me towards. I'm looking forward to the future and holding onto to Spirit for strong guidance.
It's been a great summer so far, so much has happened, I've learned a lot. I'm learning to follow the Spirit's leading more and more each day.
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