Today I start my new blog, "Grace New Every Morning," because it's a true testimony of my life. Each day when I wake up in the morning, I know that God has given me His grace to live yet another day because each day is truly a gift. God has a plan for us every day of our lives it's just our choice whether we want to be a part of that plan or not. Do we choose to accept His calling and listen to His spirit or do we choose to close off and decide to listen to the lies of the world? I have fallen into those lies many many times. It's been such a struggle for me, but thankfully God still accepts me as His child because of his infinite love and because of His GRACE.
I start at Calvin in less than a week. I am so excited to see how God is going to use me. At the beginning of this year I had no idea where I was going to go. I had at least 10 options and none of them seemed possible. I didn't know where the money was going to come from, but I just had to trust in God to provide. Now I look back and wonder why did I stress out so much? Why did I pick countless fights with my parents about college and money? I am a fool to not trust that the God of the entire universe is going to take care of lowly me and where I am going to college. I am ashamed of that. God has a way of humoring us. Two weeks before I graduated (ha!) He granted me with a $23,500 dollar scholarship to Calvin College. I was like "Okay God, that seems pretty clear." Then this past month I was worrying because my parents income has dropped significantly and they said they wouldn't co-sign a loan and I couldn't get a loan cause I am still 17 (I believe that's how that works). I needed the money because I wanted to live in the dorms at Calvin at that's an extra $8,000. I just knew somewhere in my heart that's where I had to be. I am a dummy to worry so much. Thanks to God again, he gave me a way to get a loan from my grandparents.
These are the moments that we are like Yay GOD! Why can't we be like that all the time? I wish even in those moments of darkness I could be more like "Yay GOD! I know your gonna take care of me and do something great!"Doesn't it seem right that we expect great things from God, things we can't control, instead of playing it safe? Sometimes we have to take leaps of faith and jump off cliffs instead of trying to make the climb down safely with a harness and ropes. Okay, so i like analogies. Anyways, I know without a doubt God is working in my life and I know he is paving the way of my life. "There's a light at the end of this tunnel.."
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