Sunday, June 27, 2010

You Lead I Follow.

My Dreams. My Passions. My High Hopes.
A Time to Withdraw.
A Time to LIVE in Every Moment of Every Day.

I just want to help the needy and oppressed. My heart is heavy for those hurting and suffering. My heart hurts when I know that there are thousands of children dying daily. Because of poverty and disease, but also because we are killing them!! Babies get aborted on a regular basis, a life is taken without even a tear shed. The poor souls don't even get proper burials. Right now, my heart yearns, as well as many others, to help end abortion and to save the orphans/fatherless around the world.

I want to figure out where I am supposed to be serving God and figure out what is my "true calling" or whatever, but I think I just need to be still. I know without a doubt in my mind that God has some awesome plans for my future, but in this season of my life I think I need to concentrate on trusting and being patient. I think this is a time for me to meditate on His will, listen to His voice, and feel more of what is on His heart. This time in my life is like my "I" time, my time to withdraw, a time for silence, a time for wisdom-seeking and soul-searching, a time to really learn what it means to follow after God. It's like my mountain top experience. Moses had to go up on Mt. Sinai to experience God before he could go down and lead the people, he had to get the wisdom before he could go give the wisdom. Maybe this is why I wasn't supposed to go to Mexico. I wasn't ready. God is preparing me in little ways here in Grand Rapids before he is going to use me in other ways. He's teaching me about how every place can be a "mission field." He's showing me how if we give him just a little bit of faith, he can do huge things with it. Already he has put together a Life Retreat at the Omega House and ignited many hearts for Him, especially it seems more recently in GR.

So in this next season of life I feel I am entering, I just want every day to be an adventure, where God reveals something new. I just want to follow after the heart of God. I just want to be listening for every good and wonderful thing that God has to say. I don't want to miss out. And if God tells me to do something insane, I have to do it, trusting and obeying. I just want to be so full of His love that it overflows to everyone around me. I just want to live life fully and abundantly. And I know if I am daily seeking after the heart of God, this will happen.

I do not know what will happen from this season of life to the next, but I do know that I will be trusting. Trusting and believing that He is in control of my life and that what He is doing is best. Where I am is where I am supposed to be. This puts my restless heart at peace. God, you lead and I will follow.

Fill us up Lord and send us out
Fill us up and send us out
Fill us up and send us out Lord.